
broken links

ummm.... I don't know how to add links to my text. I dont think that Blogger likes my Safari browser very much as I don't get all of the text options in the posting screen. So for now we're linkless and a little dull. Unless somebody reads this and lets me know otherwise.


carolyne said...

hmmm, haven't used safari with blogger. maybe i can have a look on your mac sometime...

carolyne said...

oh, do you still have the email i sent with the html for inserting links? when you're composing use this to insert a link: (a href="www.url.com" target="blank")name of the site(/a)

where i have ( and ) use < and > because this comments box won't let me use html in it!

only use the target="blank" bit if you want the link to open in a new window. the 'name of site' can be whatever you want the link to read as in your text.

does that make sense? try it and let me know if it works...

phil said...

Awesome cb. It worked! Thanks!

carolyne said...

nice :)
glad to have been of service

Anonymous said...

I was just about to mention, but carolyne beat me to it!