
little acorn people

'untitled' | pen and acrylic | artist : me

This is a little painting I scratched together. I'd like to do more of these but maybe get some more details and shades in a bit. The story is that they're basically little hunter/gatherers that fossick for acorns and nuts and they're largely telepathic. I dunno but they maybe remind me more of apiarists, minus the beard of bees.


Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I really like your acorn people!

kristy said...

I've got a blogging challenge, and I`ll pass it to you. Feel free to ignore this if you`re not interested...

"Take a picture of the scenery that opens up from the nearest window, or if you`re outside take a picture of your blogging surroundings. Attach the picture to your blog and mention where you normally do your blogging (at home, work, library, a café, you get my point), and whether the picture shows your usual blogging enviroment. Send challenge on to as many bloggers as you wish by leaving a message in their comment box."

pixelgrit said...

Those acorn people are pure genius - the colour, composition, sharp lines - you can even tell from their faces that they are telepathic. really nice style ... i want one.