
i'd like to pray here

Viikki Church, Helsinki

Uplistsikhe, Georgia

Hall Grim Skirkjs, Iceland

Jubilee Church, Italy (Arch: Richard Meier)

The Chapel Of Notre Dame Du Haut, France (Arch: LeCorbusier)

Topola Wooden Church, Slovakia

Church of The Light, Japan (Arch: Tadao Ando)


Anonymous said...

Oh yes. Love the Ando church. Wright's Unity Temple is amaing too: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/be/Unity_Temple,_875_Lake_Street,_Oak_Park,_Cook_County,_IL_061740pv.jpg/753px-Unity_Temple,_875_Lake_Street,_Oak_Park,_Cook_County,_IL_061740pv.jpg

juicy said...

These are magnificent churches, but I would much rather prefer a Kingdom Hall, which is usually built in a week by congregation members/volunteers (minus the fancy architects and pagan crosses). Also, prayer can be done anywhere and at any time - all that matters is that its done with humility, sincerity, faith and the right heart attitude.

Anonymous said...

fabulous taste in architecture, I would add a Carlo Scarpa creation in there too.... time to buy a plane ticket : )

kristy said...

i love the ando one too - simplicity is amazing. the japanese sure do know how to do it don't they.

i love the large scale and tiny detail of churches - i love how the architects, builders and church members build to show their passion and committment to their god. makes you feel tiny. brilliant.