
Nano Photos Rival Modern Art.

Every six months, the Materials Research Society celebrates the most eye-catching images found in the course of their researchers' studies – celebrating the serendipitous convergence of science and art...More Great Photos>>

Your very own meditator.

For the man of the house. More of this design masterpiece via Modern Mechanix.


Philly's Wish List.

One T-Shirt by the Apple loving geeks at Insanely Great Tees.

One Atomic Coffee Maker.

One spine. Or at least one that feels good to wear and has curves in all the right places.

One more T-Shirt by Insanely Great Tees. The leaves are made up from binary code (1's and O's). How uber geek is that?

One painting. The artist is not known to me yet but it's amazing.  

One set of 9 hand-printed cards by Eliza Jane Curtis.

One set of pantone badges by Effektive (should they get printed).  

One Wacom Drawing Tablet. 

One Avanti Cadent 1.0.

One Thinking With Type by Ellen Lupton. 

One Strength For Life by Shawn Phillips. Even better than Body For Life (Kristy)!

One i-phone. How can i-not?

One Peugeot 308.

One Illlusive.

One Karmann Ghia.

One A Smile in The Mind for witty references.

One Zoomer belt from Ted Baker. 

One Blackhawk Army Chopper. Gawd I'd love to fly one of these. 

One or more plates by Fornasetti.

One set of chairs from De De Ce Plus.

One pair of felt unisex slippers from Pia Wallen.

One set of deer heads from Vlaemsch. It's hunting without the mess. 

One book on William Scott by Norbert Lynton.


Pictures from the archives.

Live here I could. Via Lace and Flora.

The Science V Religion debate is nothing new, only the rise of atheists and their attack on religion seems to be gaining ground.  

A clever combination of design, image and editorial. Pentagram via Creative Review. 

To be trusted?

Not nearly as colourful as my own family. By elleevee.

Enough said. Via Kansieo. 

Excellent. This needs to be put up at Woolies and Coles. And on my own fridge. By the talented Mr Ginga.

B is for Brilliant, Edward Gorey.

This is actually a New York Street Sign turned chair. I imagine your butt would get pretty hot. As is the $3'700US price tag. By Uncommon Goods.

What would the things in your life look like if they were laid out as art? By Hong Hao.


Six things in the next six months.

I've been having a day in thought (not unusual) and attempting to see into the future, I've come up with six things I need to focus on in the next six months:

1. Travel.
Planning for a month long trip to Japan. I don't think it's going to happen this year, nor will any significant journey to South America. But Japan looks like the best option in about March of next year.

2. Health.
Getting my energy up and my weight back down to 72kgs by way of biking, running, cross-training and quality nutrition.

3. Profession.
Building a portfolio of quality design work and being more professional with my own design services.

4. Finances.
Consolidating my finances and eliminating debts.

5. Balancing.
Re-connecting with my spiritual life through meditation, integrative practices, finding a framework that works for me.

6. Getting out!
Outside of work, I'm bored shitless. I need to find something enjoyable, creative, educational and social. What that is I don't know but I'm trying hard to find it. Maybe Spanish lessons?Volunteering some non-practicing OT time? Pottery? Scrabble? Lawn Bowls? .....over 30's single clubs!?

Goddam - this looks like so much fun!

The Box Doodle Project.

Inspired by making the most of the least, David Hofmann wants you to submit your own Box Doodle.