By Sam Winston.
Craftiness by AndriconGirl.
Moving House.
I'm moving house tomorrow. So on the eve of my move, I thought I'd get inspired, do a little interiors searching online and post up the best of my finds here.
Imagining The 10th Dimension.
Anyone who's ever been influenced by mushies, acid or any other bevy of illicit food stuffs might know something about this. But for those who prefer to ponder; this simply crafted video explains all 10 dimensions at once. A lot more interesting 10th dimension-ey stuff can be found by clicking here.
Located via the flavoursome Kitsune Noir.
Strange Maps.
Strange Maps is full of quirky and largely unnavigable maps from around the globe. Like this - the earth as a tetrahedron.
Encyclopedia of Life.
Image via Sakura.
Encyclopedia of Life is an amazing online resource that is aiming to catalogue all of the known species of animal, vegetable and mineral(?) on the planet. It's still in its infancy but is rapidly evolving thanks to the contributions of a number of research partners.
My New Tissot!
When I should be saving for my new place, other priorities prevail. My new purchase, this PRC100 Quartz Tissot came all boxed up in a cool little box with compartments and books and even a little pillow. This is a purchase that I will hopefully keep for life. From here.
If you ever get the chance, you must see Drum Tao!!! (I'd hope these guys are part of the next Adelaide Festival). I was lucky enough to get along to this with JP and have to say this was the best show I have seen in years! (If ever!?) Farking athletic, precise, focussed, highly sexual, meditative. It was all of that.
But worth every penny, and given the great company, this was the best night I've had in a long time. .
Spaaaaaaace Lawyers from The Nonist.
The Nonist and its off-shoot The Nonist Annex are both really fascinating, nay quirky sites put together by an unbelievably committed creative. From the Annex, this image is the writers comment on the first ever Space Law Certificate issued in the United States by the National Center for Remote Sensing, Air and Space Law (better get me one of those!)
England, 1940-41. "Battle of Britain. Children in an English bomb shelter." British Information Service/U.S. Office of War Information. Via Shorpy.
Treehouses for kids and adults too.
German architecture firm Baumraum has some splendid treehouses worth keeping in mind for when the floods come. Which of course they will.